Form and Gesture - Temporary drawings

Using unique drawing techniques such as drawing in the sand with a stick or using a water bottle to squirt a drawing on a concrete floor was not only a free and fun exercise but it also took be back to when i was younger and first found my love of Art.

It didn't matter that my drawings weren't going to last or that they weren't perfect, they were fun and expressive. There were no rules to follow (or break) i just drew what i felt like in a youthful quite childish way.

On the beach i used an old washed up stick i had found and scratched into the sand what i could see in front on me. The sea was far out but on the horizon there was a large boat, the sea i drew just using 3/4 wavy lines and as i didn't have much control over what the stick in the sand was doing the ship was broken down into basic shapes (rectangles, cylinders, squares etc) and the birds in the distance were just "V" shapes above the ship.

Unfortunately it didn't photograph very well at all due to bad lighting and the wind blowing sand back over it while i was doing it.

The next piece of temporary art i did i used a water bottle with a squirt cap to draw using water on dry concrete flags. As the weather got hotter the water evaporated and the picture disappeared.



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